I was passionate about painting and poetry from a very early age. Painting has been my compass over all the changing stages of my life. My special love of poetry cause me to be dubbed “the poet painter” by friends, professors, and colleagues at Tehran University while studying art there. Poetry continues to influence my work. Frederico Garcia Lorca was a significant influence as was the artist Paul Klee.

Fall 30"x40"
Many of my paintings are abstracted landscapes. I love creating rich tapestries of lines and patterns curving and bending through the picture plane. The colors often come vibrantly and speak their own language. Art helps me express how I think about the world and my life. Painting is a visualization of life’s sadness and happiness: all emotions are translated by means of lines, shapes, colors and take actual forms. The expression of the subject is more important than the actual subject itself which is worthy of thought and reflection. Whether it is an apple or a bottle, a face or a figure, I ask the viewer to view my art within that context. It is the singer, not the song. I graduated with a BFA in 1988 from Tehran University and moved to Los Angeles in 2000. I have found much inspiration in the wide spaces and great diversity of this city. My work has been shown in Iran, Europe, Canada, and the United States.

Blue Trees 24x20

Green Hills 42x48
To see more of Parviz Payghamy's work, please visit his website at
OPENING RECEPTION: 10/5/2019 from 6pm - 9pm EXHIBITION: 10/5/19 to 10/26/19 WALT GIRDNER GALLERY 27 South El Molino Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91101 (626) 817-9083